
GMSR has an enviable record of success on appeal. For your convenience, the firm has provided a simple search tool for guests and clients to search that record.

633 Case Results

Jacoves v. United Merchandising Corp. (1992) 5 Cal.App.4th 1318

Medical malpractice against hospital – negligence of physician imputed to hospital; duty to inform plaintiffs of remarks suggesting decedent son was contemplating suicide

George v. Internat. Society for Krishna Consciousness (1992) 3 Cal.App.4th 52

Mixed tort action based on alleged “brainwashing” of teenage plaintiff by ISKCON religious entities and officials


Anderson v. Regents of the University of Cal., 1991 Cal. LEXIS 5765

Medical malpractice – res ipsa loquitur and strict products liability

Pilson v. Friedman, 1991 Cal. LEXIS 4555

Adequacy of pleading for malicious prosecution and abuse of process

Guzman v. County of Los Angeles (1991) 234 Cal.App.3d 1343

Public hospital is statutorily immune for injuries suffered by persons involuntarily detained for involuntary mental evaluation


Doll v. Sullivan, 1991 Cal. LEXIS 3094

Legal malpractice – proximate cause

Chamberlain v. Allstate Insurance Co. (9th Cir. 1991) 931 F.2d 1361

Insurance coverage and scope of duty to defend

Lubetzky v. State Bar (1991) 54 Cal.3d 308

Evidence insufficient to deny applicant admission to State Bar


Spragg v. Marina Gateway Development (Dec. 20, 1991, B046184)

Tortious interference with right to broker’s commission


Edwards v. Williams (Apr. 22, 1991, B038269)

Fraud from defendant attorney’s receipt of fee in underlying medical malpractice case