Appellate Insights

GMSR’s monthly appellate insights offer concise, timely guidance on appellate issues, and tips for avoiding common pitfalls at all stages of litigation.

Jul 18, 2024 Jeffrey E. Raskin
The Oral Argument Paradox

The justices often begin argument by instructing counsel not to repeat what is in their briefs.  On the other hand, you can’t raise anything new.  But if you can’t say anything old or new, what can you say? This is your opportunity to re-think how

Jun 11, 2024 Alana H. Rotter
Four Ways To Create A Clear Record For Appeal

One key to success on appeal is creating a clear and complete record.  Here are ways to create such a record that are often overlooked in the heat of trial: Ask the court reporter to transcribe sidebars and in-chambers conferences.  If that’s not possible, summarize

May 13, 2024 Laurie J. Hepler
Why Headings Matter in Appellate Briefs

Under California appellate rules, briefs must state each point under a separate heading or subheading.  Appellants and respondents alike should heed this requirement, as both persuasion and preservation may depend on it.  Some practice tips to consider: Many appellate courts will deem an argument forfeited

Apr 15, 2024 Gary J. Wax
Don’t Wait—Make The Jury Redeliberate

Special verdict forms can be confusing for juries.  If the jury returns a special verdict unfavorable to your client, review the completed verdict form for errors, ambiguities and inconsistencies before the court discharges the jury.  Otherwise, you risk forfeiting a challenge to the verdict form

Mar 28, 2024 Jeffrey E. Raskin
Tick Tock: Deadlines For Statutory Writs

It is easy to be lulled into a sense of security about the timing of writ petitions.  Generally, writ relief can be sought as long as you do not unreasonably delay, which typically means you should file within 60 days.  But when writ relief is

Feb 13, 2024 Alana H. Rotter
What Makes A Good Petition For Review?

Clients who lose in the Court of Appeal often ask about pursuing review in the California Supreme Court.  The Court grants just a small fraction of the petitions for review that it receives each year.  Here are some factors to consider in assessing the likelihood

Jan 12, 2024 Laurie J. Hepler
Arbitration Appeals No Longer Stay Litigation

Orders denying petitions to compel arbitration have long been, and remain, immediately appealable.  The California Supreme Court held long ago that such appeals automatically stay trial court proceedings. And the United States Supreme Court recently held that such a stay applies in federal courts as

Dec 13, 2023 Gary J. Wax
One Space or Two?

Before the Computer Age, writers were instructed to type two spaces after every period.  The reason was to create a visual break so that it would be easier to see the beginning of each new sentence.  Many attorneys who learned to follow the two-space rule

Nov 28, 2023 Jeffrey E. Raskin
Once Upon An Appellate Brief

The author of a brief must be both storyteller and teacher.  Judges read hundreds of briefs each year.  Capturing their interest and making principles clear and memorable is critical to persuasion. If your brief covers multiple, disparate legal issues, do not bog down your statement

Oct 10, 2023 Alana H. Rotter
Preventing Immediate Judgment Enforcement

California judgments are enforceable upon entry.  True, posting a bond can stay enforcement of money judgments during an appeal.  But what about during the post-judgment motion phase, before an appeal is filed?  And what about clients who need time to get a bond in place? 

Who We Serve


Whether on appeal, assisting trial counsel, or advising government officials contemplating legislative action, GMSR provides unique insight into the complex laws that impact public entities.

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Where coverage may exist, GMSR represents insureds on appeal effectively and efficiently. Where it does not, the firm protects insurers’ right to deny claims.

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GMSR offers corporate clients objective assessments on appeal, based on a deep understanding of the limitations and opportunities of appellate review.

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The firm’s lawyers are team players, collaborating with trial counsel at any level from legal strategy to writing or editing trial court motions and appellate briefs.

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GMSR vigorously advocates the rights of individual plaintiffs and defendants, in both state and federal appellate courts.

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As part of GMSR’s long-standing commitment to social justice and equality, GMSR provides pro bono appellate services to individuals and to community organizations on issues of concern.

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