GMSR has an enviable record of success on appeal. For your convenience, the firm has provided a simple search tool for guests and clients to search that record.
MICRA governs claims for non-economic damages from registered but unlicensed health care providers
Medical malpractice: informed consent
Defendants moved for summary judgment on a medical malpractice claim. Plaintiff filed his opposition more than a week late, asking the trial court to excuse the lateness because of an unspecified calendaring error by his counsel’s office. The trial court denied the request and granted
Whether medical student is a “health care provider” for purposes of the MICRA statute of limitations
Right to privacy in patient medical records (writ)
Medical malpractice/foreign object – res ipsa, captain of the ship, non-delegable duty
Accrual of cause of action for minor’s medical malpractice action under statute of limitations in Code of Civil Procedure section 340.5
Scope of implied contractual obligations under health insurance policy
Propriety of rejecting medical malpractice expert’s testimony on the basis of the expert’s lack of qualifications and his failure to provide a reasonable basis for his opinions
Appropriateness of trial court’s denial of trial continuance
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