California Supreme Court Watch

Jan 25, 2023
City of Los Angeles v. PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLC, S277211.

#23-17 City of Los Angeles v. PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLC, S277211. (B310118; 84 Cal.App.5th 466; Los Angeles County Superior Court; BC574690.) Petition for review after the Court of Appeal reversed an order in a civil action. This case presents the following issue: Is a court’s authority to impose monetary sanctions for misuse of the discovery process limited to circumstances expressly delineated in a method-specific provision of the Civil Discovery Act, or do courts have independent authority to impose monetary sanctions for such discovery misconduct, including under Code of Civil Procedure sections 2023.010 and 2023.030?

Petition for review granted: 1/25/2023

Case fully briefed: 8/16/2023

Cause argued and submitted: 6/05/2024

See the Court of Appeal Opinion.

See the Petition for Review.

See the Oral Argument.