California Supreme Court Watch

Jun 15, 2022
Meinhardt v. City of Sunnyvale, S274147.

#22-158 Meinhardt v. City of Sunnyvale, S274147. (D079451; 76 Cal.App.5th 43; Santa Clara County Superior Court; 19CV346911.) Petition for review after the Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal from the judgment in an action for writ of administrative mandate. The court limited review to the following issue: Did the Court of Appeal correctly dismiss the appeal as untimely?

Petition for review granted; issues limited: 6/15/2022

Case fully briefed: 11/07/2022

Cause argued and submitted: 6/05/2024

Notice of forthcoming opinion posted: 7/26/2024

To be filed Monday, July 29, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

See the Court of Appeal Opinion.

See the Petition for Review.

See the Oral Argument.

Robert Olson “On Judgments,” Daily Journal, Mar. 14, 2023Meinhardt v. City of Sunnyvale highlights the confusion in California law a to what is or is not a judgment.