California Supreme Court Watch

May 18, 2022
California-American Water Co. v. Public Utilities Commission, S271493.

#22-132 California-American Water Co. v. Public Utilities Commission, S271493. Original proceeding. The court issued a writ of review regarding notice and due process requirements in proceedings before the Public Utilities Commission. (See also Golden State Water Co. v. Public Utilities Commission, S269099.)

Alternative writ issued: 5/18/2022

Case consolidated with Golden State Water Co. v. Public Utilities Commission, S269099: 6/01/2022

See the Petition for Review.

See the Answer to Petitions for Review.

See the Joint Reply to Answer.

See the California Supreme Court Opinion.

“We set aside the portion of the Commission’s order, and the accompanying findings and conclusions, directing that the Water Companies, ‘in their next general rate case applications, shall not propose continuing existing Water Revenue Adjustment Mechanisms/Modified Cost Balancing Accounts.’ (See Pub. Util. Code, ยง 1758.)”

Majority Opinion by Kruger, J.

— joined by Guerrero, C. J., Corrigan, Liu, Groban, Jenkins, and Evans, JJ.